The 2023-2024 academic year was marked by an exceptional display of academic prowess among the students of our school. In the Primary Checkpoint examinations, a remarkable group of Year 6 students achieved the prestigious milestone of scoring outstanding (41-50) in all three core subjects: Al Qasim Ahmed Shaaban, Dania Ahmed Gaafar, Eyad Medhat Imam, Fares Ramy, Farida Tamer Emam, Jaida Ehab Salem, Karma Almoataz Bellah, Karma Hany Ali, Karma Sherif Farghally, Ali Mohamed Salama, Leena Ibrahim Ismaiel, Mais Maher Kurayzim, Moustafa Mohamed AbdelFadil, Omar Khaled Arafa, Omar Mohamed Hassan, Retail Tamer Ibrahim, Safey ElDin, Seif Ahmed Ghanem, Sherifa Mohamed Metwally, Yaseen Mohamed AbdelGhany, and Zeina Mohamed El Hosary.
In the Lower Secondary Checkpoint examinations, a select group of Year 8 students also demonstrated exceptional academic prowess, achieving outstanding (41-50) scores in all three core subjects. This illustrious group includes Farida Hatem Ismail, Hana Mohamed Saleh, Mohamed Moataz Magdy, Peter Medhat, and Yehia Loaii Eldin.
These remarkable achievements not only highlight the dedication and hard work of our students but also the exceptional quality of our academic programs. We are immensely proud of these students and their unwavering commitment to excellence.
In addition to these Triple Triumphs, we would also like to recognize the following students for their outstanding performance in individual subjects:
Highest scores in English: Gasser Mohamed Lotfy, Jana Haytham Nagy, Layla Mohamed Fawzy, Yehia Loaii Eldin
Highest scores in Mathematics: Hamza Ahmed Dowedar, Hana Nazmy Aly, Mohamed Moataz Mostafa, Momen Wael Younis, Peter Medhat, Yehia Loaii Eldin
Highest scores in Science: Ali Bassem El Liethy, Hana Ashraf Elhabashy, Jana Ahmed Omama, Jana Haytham Nadgy, Peter Medhat, Saha Basel Imbabi, Yehia Loaii Eldin
These exceptional achievements are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and academic excellence of our students. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all of them and look forward to their continued success in the years to come.
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